Tuesday, May 22, 2012

me behind me :')

peace be upon you peeps :3
lets greet sya'ban with our smile and full of happines :3

behind every picture lies different stories, different characters, different intention.
it has hope in it, love in it, friends in it.
because there are something that hard to tell, but easily to write.
there are something that sound useless but it kinda priceless.
there are something that here and there.....

behind me.
its not a so-super-duper-amazing stories
it basically about ME. my FRIENDS. my CRUSH. my LOVE.
but i know, for some reasons, this not so-super-duper-amazing stories will lies in one heart.
that actually mean the WORLD for me :3








sometimes, i felt like im not normal. cause i love my girlfriends more than my crush and my bff.
its making me kinda freak somehow, well i think.
but then, it sound legit enough. hehehe :3

(^~^) badakbijaks

adios amigos bace cotcet cotcet aku :P dunt forget utk menjadi kipas susah mati aku pulak ek :)

1 comment:

nawarrah said...

sedey pulak aku bace T.T

Large Rainbow Pointer