Sunday, April 15, 2012

its my birthday :D

assalamualaikum sweet hearts.
may Allah protect us from evil. insyaAllah :D

yes aku tau. ade kesalahan nahu dan sanad kat situ. should be " yesterday WAS my birthday..... " and so so. tak pelah. itu membuktikan yang manusie ni memang akan sentiasa melakukan kesilapan. forgive me :'( huhuhu

thanz for all the wishes :D
for all the prank :D
for the dominos :D
for the mr bean and his pillow :D
for taking me sights seeing at menara TM :D
for the ice cream cakes :D
for the nasi arab :D
for the song and the guitar, though kau demam :D
for the unexpected message :D

thanz for everything . :'))

here are couples of picture i think.... :D

last but not least , the happy me :D

(^~^) badakbijaks

adios amigos bace cotcet cotcet aku :P dunt forget utk menjadi kipas susah mati aku pulak ek :)


nawarrah said...

oh orang tu demam patut la tak nampak kat twitter

badak said...

lalalalala :D

Large Rainbow Pointer